Saturday, March 9, 2019

BSO — 2019/03/09

This week the BSO sandwiches the world premiere of a piano concerto, conducted by the composer, between two late 19th Century orchestral pieces. Here's how the orchestra's performance detail page synopsizes the concert:
BSO Artistic Partner Thomas Adès returns for a concert featuring the world premiere of his Concerto for piano and orchestra , commissioned by the BSO and composed for Kirill Gerstein, a frequent collaborator. Mr. Adès also leads the orchestra in two Romantic-era scores. Franz Liszt's Mephisto Waltz depicts a scene from Nicolaus Lenau's 1836 poem Faust in which Mephistopheles plays demonically on a fiddle during a wedding. Tchaikovsky's emotionally intense and magnificently orchestrated Fourth Symphony, completed in 1878, represents the culmination of a traumatic period in the composer's life.
(Some emphasis added.)

I was there for theThursday concert, which had the very first performance of the piano concerto. It struck me as 21st Century Gershwin. There was some jazzy rhythm, there was a modicum of tune, but it was all overshadowed by noise. I couldn't say if it was exactly atonal, but it didn't seem very harmonious. It was tolerable and even interesting. Maybe a second hearing this evening will lead to greater understanding and appreciation. The Liszt was vigorous — happy to see Clint Foreman get some solo work in it, although most went to Elizabeth Ostling. The first movement of the Tchaikovsky went too long — his fault, not theirs.

The Globe review, which I hadn't read before writing the above paragraph, also notes Gershwinesque qualities in the concerto. The reviewer likes the Liszt and appreciates a couple of unusual touches in the Tchaikovsky. The Musical Intelligencer was also pleased.

Listen in this evening at 8:00 over the facilities of WCRB, see what you think of the concerto, and enjoy the classics. Don't forget the repeat on March 18 at 8:00 p.m. On the 11th, you have another chance to hear the Dvořák "Stabat Mater."


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