Friday, July 19, 2024

Tanglewood — 2024/07/19

 This evening's Tanglewood concert consists of two symphonies, one with piano and one without. Here's WCRB's synopsis:

Friday, July 19, 2024
8:00 PM

Dima Slobodeniouk leads the BSO in Bernstein’s Age of Anxiety, a piece inspired by W.H. Auden’s Pulitzer prize-winning poem of the same name, featuring piano soloist Conrad Tao. The concert closes with Brahms’s dramatic, sweeping Symphony No. 3, which explores the happiness—and—loneliness of freedom.

Boston Symphony Orchestra
Dima Slobodeniouk, conductor
Conrad Tao, piano

Leonard BERNSTEIN Symphony No. 2, The Age of Anxiety
Johannes BRAHMS Symphony No. 3

The BSO performance detail page gives a slightly longer introduction to the concert and has links to performer bios and to program notes for the pieces on the program.

Boston Symphony Orchestra 
Dima Slobodeniouk, conductor 
Conrad Tao, piano

BERNSTEIN Symphony No. 2, The Age of Anxiety
BRAHMS Symphony No. 3

Conductor Dima Slobodeniouk leads the BSO in Bernstein’s Age of Anxiety, a piece inspired by W.H. Auden’s Pulitzer prize-winning poem of the same name. The music's shape is meant to closely mirror the poem, which tells the story of four young strangers who meet in a bar during WWII. Young virtuoso Conrad Tao joins as the piano soloist for Bernstein.

Also on the program, Brahms’ dramatic, sweeping Symphony No. 3 explores the ideas of freedom, happiness, and loneliness.

Tonight's concert is generously supported by R. Martin Chavez.

I'm curious to hear the Bernstein.

I'l give previews of the Saturday and Sunday concerts later (maybe this evening, maybe tomorrow).

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